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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 28 2012 Proof: Bin Laden Death Another Big Corporate Gov't Lie as Well as Jessica Lynch Fabrication and the Tillman Murder

With Main Stream Media this week placing stories in the evening news about a new book written by an UN-NAMED Writer with claims to have been in the Bin Laden Raid that killed Bin Laden again on May 2, 2011 after Bin Laden had been dead from Marfans disease since 2001. This is only an attempt for the Obama administration to get credit for something they never did. Their crime is the continuance of the 911 lies and false claims of terror intended only to weaken the United States Constitution by means of the TSA, Homeland Security, the PATRIOT ACT and now the NDAA. America has been conquered from within....

The CIA has on record admitted to creating phony (made for TV News) Bin Laden video tapes intended to fool and falsely inform the United States public. The Book is just one more act in their misinformation war against the United States public. The book is contrived... 911 Had Inside Cooperation, Building #7 (and the Twin Towers) had been rigged with military grade explosives for Demolition months before Sep 11 2001.

Uploaded by on May 11, 2011

AJ Posted May 11 2011.This was lost in the headlines of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster.

Evidence in Gov't Fraud Revealed

Evidence The United States has been taken over by B I G CORPORATE Tyrants and Banksters.

The U.S. Government is the world's largest buyer of goods and services. Every year, it reports spending more than $540 billion* on federal acquisition, a federal process known as procurement.To ensure economic justice and to create new jobs, Congress enacted the Small Business Act in 1953, which requires that 23 percent of all federal contracts are awarded to small businesses annualy.This is a landmark piece of economic legislation for the U.S., because small businesses create 90 percent of net new jobs, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.


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