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Saturday, August 25, 2012

August 25 2012 HMO Update: Planet x, The Dark Rift or Galactic Plane, NASA Reference to Planet X, the tenth planet.

Terral's August Update on the Suspected Heavy Mass Object along with the orbit path and assumed timeline.

In this NASA Video they officially refer to the tenth planet and call it PLANET X. This video montage starts with some older Intel, buts then leads to the latest warnings from NASA as featured on CNN and Fox News. My hope is that the news reports will benefit from additional background information. For more details see my play list for other interesting videos on this subject. Scientist do not all agree on the severity of the events before us, but they do all say we need to be ready for it. The majority do all agree that we need to be prepared for the worst case scenario. Both history and earth sciences agree that the Mayan calendar accurately indicates to us the various earth cycles. This all leads to confirmation that we are about to see the dawning of a new age coming just around the corner.

NASA agrees there will likely be food riots and socio-economic collapse...

Other Agencies are fully aware of Planet X and its expected arrival dates.

Uploaded by on Jul 8, 2009
Another interesting video ... it is done in the same style a wistle blower used that leaked photos from the South Pole Telescope a while back ... this person's leaked Infra-red photos of something in deep space started off a fire-storm ... is it Nibiru?

As I have done with a few other other video uploads ... I suggest you download Microsofts World Wide Telescope & Google Earth and go to www.wikisky.org

Once you have the programs installed ... input this set of coordinates into the search box ... 09:47:59 by 13:16:27 ... all 3 of these programs will take you to a dark place ... you will not see a thing ... but, if you switch to the Infer-red filter ... you will see a very large, and very hot object ... you can also switch to the 2 Micron Filter in MS WWT, and get a nice clear shot of this object ... an unknown object!

Is this the legendary Nibiru?

As I always say ... "Seeing is believing"

If anyone watching knows an expert in Astronomy, please ask them to look at the coordinates, and see what they say

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