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Friday, August 24, 2012

August 24 2012 WATER from the Sun and the Stars

 The rise of the SUN's solar maximum brings more than plasma, radiation and energy to the earth. In its bursts are also the products of life and water. So as the sun becomes more active between now and it's peak solar maximum in 2013 we can (and should) expect more extreme weather and lots more deluges of rain on earth. This could be the source of the stories of Noah's 40 days and 40 nights of rain. The simple fact is water does come to earth in energy form from sources such as the sun and stars. ... Morpheus .. August 24 2012

Water is literally rained down onto earth from the heavens above. It, water comes to earth freely and abundantly. The only way to get populations to pay for water is to pollute all of the freely available earth water then sell the only remaining sources of clean water to the unsuspecting public. Only then will they freely pay for what they have in abundance for free. ... Morpheus Aug 24 2012

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.... Morpheus