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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August 22 2012 HMO Update - Affects on Earth, Last Chance to prepare, HMO INbound, Pole Reversal, Your Time of Denial is at END.. Like it or Not...

HMO ALERT !!! Earth is in PERIL, LAST Chance, LISTEN UP!!! HMO IN-bound, Pole Reversal, Your Time of Denial is at END.. Like it or Not...

This Important video will demonstrate the increasing affects of something approaching our planet earth. These are not exaggerations. These are NOT ordinary extremes. These earth catastrophic events are ever increasing in frequency and amplitude. It, the danger, has only just begun.. You must watch the entire video to get the full understanding of the impact of what ever seems to be IN-BOUND toward earth!

The Earth is in peril. Every aspect of life is at its most extreme point. Global weather anomalies of record proportions abound. New highs, record lows and record destructive forces are occurring more and more frequently. These record extremes are occurring to the point whereby they are taking place now on a daily basis. Soon it will be hourly..

This trend will continue as the cause of these extremes gets closer and its affects become even more pronounced. Many people who have chosen to be in denial have been bluntly and rudely awakened to the reality of it all only by the travesty being on their own doorstep..

Your time of awakening is drawing closer even as you read these words.. A time will come when you will be faced with the new reality even in your own disbelief. . The time will very soon come when you will have little choice but to accept these events as the cause for you yourself to prepare or you will perish.

Not all people will survive. Many will die and be consumed in their own horror and disbelief. Only then will they will accept the reality of this to be caused by the affects a great and mighty external force cast upon the earth as powerful as a Heavy Mass Object passing by earth. It may be this it may be God himself.

There is something of great power and mass approaching earth. Its affects are both catastrophic and cleansing of the earth. Many species are already dieing off this year of 2012. Many more species will perish in the shifting of the poles as the HMO passes earth. It will not be an easy time.

Life on earth as we were once accustom to, will end. A new beginning will arise. Only the awakened will survive to rise from the ashes and begin new in the quiet and peace of the aftermath. It will be the time of humanity's new horizon, our new beginning on earth!

...Morpheus ... August 22 2012

Water from the sun... More sun .. More Water.. Dwarf Star .. More Water...

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.... Morpheus