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Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 18 2012 John Moore USA Flood Map, Navy New Flood Map U.S.A, Planet x Flood Map, Pole Shift Flood Map United States

 IMPORTANT HMO UPDATE, March 5th 2015: Link - HMO Location Discovery


LINK: John Moore Lecture on Planet X, Nibiru, Tenth Planet,

NDAA as Related to Climate Change and its Coming Effects, Earthquakes, Reconfiguration of the Earth's Plates, Flooding, Social Unrest, Crop Loss, Social Structure Breakdowns, Utility Disruptions, Post Glacial Rebound.

Global Warming - What the Government isn't Telling You 3/12 from manchildminister on Vimeo.


  1. That top map is absolute horse shit. Explain to me how several coastal mountain ranges will be under water and how half the cascades will? be careful where you source your images.

    1. It's called the Holy Bible. ENJOY :)

    2. it is very rough, but perfectly sensible. Continents stick out above water because they're made of a thick, relatively lower density rock which allows them to float on top of the dense mantle like an iceberg on water. The lower density of the rocks can be caused by their distinct chemical composition with a hight percentage of silicon dioxide and alkali metals, or their higher temperature which makes them expand. Most continents have compositional buoyancy, but there are exceptions when thermal buoyancy also plays role. It happens particularly in the areas where continental crust is extended as colder lithospheric mantle is replaced with hotter mantle from below. Normally, if continental crust is stretched and extended as has recently happened in basin and range province, it should subside, but instead it was uplifted by the emplacement of hot lithospheric mantle below it. [now i don't know for sure which is the cause and effect here]. In basin and range, the crust collapsed and stretched in some laces by s much as twofold, from 40-50km to as little as 20 km. The 20km crust is not buoyant enough to float above sea level, as can be seen with the case of submerged 'continent' of zealandia, of which new zealand is the pinnacle sticking above the sea. As earth under the basin and range province cools to its equilibrium values over the next millions of years, the stretched mountain ranges will subside to, and in southern nevada - way below sea level, similarly to other cases of extended crust such s zealandia, aegean se and such. So map it somewhat true, it is just not relevant on human timescales.

      Of course, over the millions of years there'd be more than just the subsidence of nevada, there would be alot of horizontal rifting and crustal movements, with the bulk of california and probably southern oregon rifting off then north america and turning into islands, and the if there be any changes to subduction, the whole thing will evolve in a hard to predict direction. But in the mid-term of millions to ten-twenty million years that's where geography is heading.

  2. doesn't say when. hmmm. it changes in cyles. Sun spon cycles. Earth wobble cycle. Planetary orbits. Everything changes. The moon is moving farther away a inch or two every year. We move away from the Sun every year. The earth slows down a bit each year. WE KNOW we had ice age, warm age, ice age, .... We know the earth gets hit every so often, as does the moon. Those hits make little tiny changes in the orbits of the earth and moon. So your guess work, your estimates, your calculations, will be wrong days, weeks, months, and years after you make them, because the base data changes. Sooner or later, Yellowstone will POP. Some other volcano will go POOF.

    1. You hit on the head that moon moving away from Earth see more to it see NASA knows when the exact point which the moon moves away that it will be out of Earth orbit they know but not saying .
      Like ok the Moon is so many billion miles from Earth but when it reaches a Billion 250.000 miles from us that's it game over the earth will loose it's gravitational pull from moon and we spin off axis hbut they know how many inches it's going to take but they are keeping it from us .
      But know this it's moving away when it reaches it we are done !!!

  3. It would be great to have a global sea level map.

  4. I just think that it's not nice to fool Mother Nature...


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