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Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 18 2012 Earth planet is dying and this is no mere rendezvous with a date on a Mayan calendar in 2012

The Reading List

Our planet is dying and this is no mere rendezvous with a date on a Mayan calendar in 2012. It’s the mass termination of life on planet Earth. Nature is under a scientific directive. It is irreversible. It is the extinction protocol. In 2010, the planet was ravaged by the worst flooding seen in 1000 years, Pakistan, Colombia, and Australia. Profound earth-changes have already devastated the planet and even more catastrophic change is yet to come. We are entering a period of extreme volcanism. Chaitén (Chile) erupted after being dormant for 9500 years, Eyjafjallajökull (Iceland) erupted after 187 years, and Sinabung volcano (Indonesia) erupted after 400 years. Planetary tremors have begun shaking the globe. They will intensify. Earth’s magnetic field is faltering and moving towards a polarity reversal as we approach the solar maximum (2012-2013). The energy unleashed in earthquakes is rising and the planet’s climate is becoming increasingly inhospitable and will be soon pushed to the brink of collapse. Tornado cluster outbreaks are increasing in intensity and ferocity. Our marine environments are dying as more and more dead aquatic animals wash ashore. Our food production is in growing peril. Civilization is poised on the precipice of the most stupendous crisis in Earth’s history and we are running out of time to save what remains left of the human race.  -The Extinction Protocol


Hazard: What you need to know to survive. “Major disasters like the Japanese earthquake and Joplin tornadoes are likely to become more frequent, and global governments must prepare for an uncertain future,” said the 2011  report issued by the International Development Ministry in Britain. Scientists in the report said recent natural disasters are “the beginnings of a new kind of future in which mega-disasters are going to be more frequent. The scale, frequency and severity of rapid onset humanitarian disasters will continue to grow in the coming years, and at an accelerating pace.” What would you do if you were faced with the imminent threat of a mega-earthquake or tsunami, the threat of a thermo-nuclear war, a nuclear plant melt-down, a volcanic eruption, a chemical or biological terror attack or a global pandemic? How do you prepare yourself and your family for the ever-increasing set of calamitous hazards facing our modern world? What are the planet’s low risk zones and where do you find them?  Hazard

Sparkle: God and the science of a compassionate universe –  Our world is mired in chaos, disorder, and endless conflict. We have depleted the planet’s natural resources to a point of scarcity. Wars now threaten to erupt over Earth’s last dwindling  natural resources: fossil fuel, water, arable land, and rare-earth minerals. We have used the fear of mutual assured annihilation by destructive weapons to achieve a tenuous and shaky peace in the world. Our financial institutions are imploding, as nations sink beneath oceans of debt. It is becoming clear that the entire model human civilization was built upon is flawed and destined to soon catastrophically unravel. Is this humanity’s destiny or did we lose our way in a maze of material distractions? We needn’t languish in the shadows of despair, failure, and mediocrity. We can achieve greatness, and bring harmony back to the world by emulating the patterns God has woven into nature. Nature’s patterns are rooted in the science of compassion. We can triumph in life’s darkest and most trying hour. We, too, can sparkle. “Dazzling, insightful, and enlightening…a revolutionary new perspective on God and science.” –First Look

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