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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Aug 15 2012 PLanet X: The Case and Evidence Supporting the HMO, Heavy Mass Space Object, Nibiru, Planet X, The Tenth Planet, The Brown Dwarf, Our Suns Binary Star.

Below is a list of several videos of interviews from credible sources giving evidence supporting the case for the HMO, Heavy Mas Object, Niburu, Planet X as being a likely real threat. View the evidence and make your own determination. Then prepare. Its going to get very interesting, to say the very least!

High Level Credible Sources.

LINK: John Moore Lecture on Planet X, Nibiru, Tenth Planet,

If any of this is true,...  The said time is here and now... and this would be taking place over the next couple of days and into the last week of September 2012... The planet earth is now experiencing accelerated earthquakes, volcanoes, pole shifts, ice melts, solar storm activity, and cataclysmic extreme weather which is all supporting the hypothesis of the tenth planet, planet X, Nibiru.

It was once said... "In those final days it will become difficult to discern information from disinformation, fact from fiction and even good intention from evil intent". Therefore It would not hurt you to store some food, water,first aid supplies and fuel. It might also be a good time for you and your family to avoid the coastal areas.

In an effort to limit RADIOACTIVE contamination ,, It would be wise for "the powers that be" to shut down any Nuclear Power Plant in vulnerable areas according to this map for the time period in question.

Morpheus Aug 15 2012

Discern: Verb: Perceive or recognize (something). 
 Distinguish (someone or something) with difficulty by sight or with the other senses.

If you see this then Planet X, the HMO or Nibiru is already here!

Posted on Posted on GLP Comment Board 8/15/2012

Question Regarding : Nibiru: can anyone in Australia/NZ confirm if can see this HMO without telescope?

I'm in Auckland New Zealand and I've been checking and getting up early when ever the sun is shining, used infra red cam corder, binoculars, welding goggles you mention it.... there's nothing in the sky but the regular sun. 
If you ask me, there's nothing unusual out there. Maybe I'm too blind, or looking in the wrong places or just not paranoid enough?

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.... Morpheus